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Why It’s Important to Stay Healthy in Isolation

Sometimes things happen in life that force us to be…
a person walking down a road

Sometimes things happen in life that force us to be isolated from others. 2020 forced most people into isolation away from their jobs, friends, and family. As the fear of the pandemic diminishes, many of us may discover that not everything is going back to the way it was, and there is a greater level of isolation than there was before this year.

While some people may feel they are thriving in relative isolation, many others have suffered mentally, emotionally, and physically. It is vital to continue taking care of yourself, even in isolation. Here are some of the many reasons why it is crucial to stay healthy while in isolation.

Risks to Mental Health


Being isolated can have a devastating impact on your mental health. If you are already suffering from depression and anxiety, being isolated from your social support system can throw you into a downward spiral that can be difficult or impossible to pull out of on your own.

Those battling a substance use disorder may feel triggered to use and unable to attend meetings and meet with their sponsor or counselor. Addiction, depression, and anxiety can pose severe threats to your life, which is while it is vital to maintain your mental health while in isolation.

The Baltimore Therapy Group can match you with a therapist in Baltimore that is trained and experienced in helping people with these problems and others. They are now offering telehealth appointments, so they are accessible to even more patients. Reaching out to a mental health professional and getting help when you feel your mental health declining is a monumental step in the right direction.

Risks to Emotional Well-Being


People often associate mental and emotional health as being the same thing. While they are closely linked, it is sometimes easier to differentiate the two depending on the symptoms and feelings you are having. Too often, mental health is used as a blanket term to cover everything, which minimizes serious mental health conditions.

Your emotional well-being can suffer from a lack of physical contact, communication with those you love, and human interaction. People thrive when they are in contact with other people. Being isolated can negatively impact your ability to feel joy as you becoming increasingly more detached from the people you love. Emotional well-being is often defined as the emotional quality of your interactions, but without real interactions, you become stunted emotionally.

One way to maintain your emotional well-being while in isolation is by staying connected to others as much as possible. If you are unable to visit with family and friends in person, visit with them over a video call. Video calls allow you to see your loved one, opposed to just hearing their voices over the phone. Refrain from relying solely on texts for communication due to how impersonal it can feel. Also, you can spend as much time with people as it is safe for your unique situation.

Risks to Physical Health


Physical health may also be negatively impacted in isolation because you become more sedentary, you may be eating more than you usually would, and you are not going to the doctor like you usually would due to the new restrictions in healthcare facilities. For some, the loss of employment may have also led to the loss of health insurance, which can prevent many from seeking medical care when needed. If you need new insurance, you can look into private health insurance with iSelect to get the best plan at the best price for you and your family.

If you get the insurance you need, you can still see a physician when you are ill or injured. Supporting your physical health also means maintaining a healthy diet while in isolation and getting as much exercise as possible. Exercise can be as simple as walking outside each day. Keeping your body moving will help you stay healthy while in isolation.